Service starts at 11:15am in the Riverside building
Order of Service for Sunday 01 September 2024
1. Welcome & Introit Call to worship
Come near, people of God! Let us worship in wisdom and truth.
2. Hymn – The Church’s One Foundation (CH4 739)
3. Prayer of Approach and Confession and the Lord’s Prayer… Lord’s Prayer
4. Children’s Talk
5. Hymn – Knowing you Jesus (MP 799)
6. Reading – Psalm 15 and Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
7. Reflection
8. Hymn – Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God almighty (CH4 111)
9. Offering and Doxology (CH4 807)
10. Prayers for others and ourselves
11. Hymn – Jubilate, everybody (CH4 65)
12. Reminders
13. Benediction