About the Church of Scotland in Dumbarton

The three congregations within the town of Dumbarton, St Andrews (now closed), Riverside and The West Kirk are linked and have agreed to form a union as one single congregation, in line with Presbytery’s current mission plan.


Services on Sunday mornings currently alternate monthly between the High Street buildings (Dumbarton Riverside) and West Bridgend (The West Kirk). Services are streamed on You Tube (www.youtube.com/@DumbartonCofS) – you can watch live or catch up later. Services usually start at 11:15am, except for July and August at 10:45am and special services such as Remembrance Sunday and Christmas.

Click here to view more services and to watch the livestream/recordings

News and Information

Click here for all news & information posts

Thought for the Day

When restrictions were imposed due to the Covid Pandemic during 2020-21 the Minister published daily thoughts and prayers:

This is the joint website for Dumbarton: St Andrews, Dumbarton: Riverside and Dumbarton: West Kirk.

Further details about the three Church of Scotland parishes in Dumbarton can be found below:

Dumbarton St Andrews
St Andrews


Closed in June 2024, St Andrew’s was a modern hall church in Bellsmyre, just north of the A82 off the Barloan Roundabout. Click on the image above for more details.

Dumbarton Riverside


Situated in the historic heart of Dumbarton at the end of the High Street. Click on the image above for more details.

Dumbarton West Kirk
West Kirk


Located in West Bridgend near Dalreoch across the River Leven, West of the town centre. Click on the image above for more details.