Regular West Kirk Activities. Includes Some Shared Activities Within the Dumbarton Linkage
- Sunday morning worship
- Sunday school/creche
- Choir
- Brownies
- Rainbows
- Guides
- Monday morning coffee club + optional keep fit
- Boys Brigade
- Allstars (club for school-age children) on first Sunday each month
- Church of Scotland Guild
- Big Weans: for the young at heart
- Line dancing group
- Handcraft Circle
- Wee book shop (second-hand books)
- Buggy Walking group
- Bookbug for children 0-5yrs
- Summer holiday activity sessions for primary aged school children
- Social events for members and the wider community
- Fund-raising events such as a twice yearly nearly new sale, tea parties and other events for our own funds and for other charities
- Various community groups also use our premises for their activities
- We have a weekly order of service/notice sheet, plus we produce a church news and information publication 3 times per year called the West Kirk Messenger.
- Collect donations for Food for Thought, a local food-share organisation run by St Augustine’s Scottish Episcopal Church in Dumbarton
Further activities are available within the linkage which can be shared by all