Service starts 11:15am in Riverside
Order of Service for Sunday 22 September 2024
1. Welcome & Introit Call to worship
2. Hymn – I danced in the morning (CH4 404)
3. Prayer of Approach and Confession and the Lord’s Prayer… Lord’s Prayer
4. Children’s Talk on Humility
Song for children Jesus loves the little children
5. Hymn – Make me a Channel of your peace (CH 528)
6. Reading – Psalm 1 Jeremiah 11:18-20 Mark 9:30-37
7. Reflection
8. Hymn – Take my life, Lord, let it be (CH4 502)
9. Offering and Doxology (CH4 807)
10. Prayers for others and ourselves
11. Hymn – Immortal, Invisible, God only wise (CH4 132)
12. Reminders
13. Benediction