Tomorrow will be the first Sunday this year when we will be able to gather in a church building for worship. It will be good to be together again – even if we are 2m away from each other. The usual requirements for physical distancing, hand-sanitising, wearing face coverings and keeping the building ventilated will still be in place – but at least the weather outside should be warmer than it was in December, and we are allowed more people in church. Not everyone will be there: some may choose not to go because of health concerns, some may feel out of the habit of going, it is even possible that some might have to be turned away if we exceed legal seating capacity. Whether we are in church, or whether we are at home, we can all worship God together as part of his one people
Lord, thank you that we are able to worship you anywhere any time. Thank you for the fellowship of belonging to your people – our local church community and the worldwide community. Be with them all
PS Don’t forget that the clocks go forward tonight – an hour less in bed! Next week’s Thoughts for the day – starting tomorrow – are prepared by ministers/pastors/church leaders from Dumbarton. The CofS in Dumbarton will have a service on YouTube/ the website each day in Holy Week