Our service starts at 10:45am in Riverside, streamed to YouTube
Order of Service for seventh Sunday after Pentecost Sunday 07 July 2024
1. Welcome & Introit
2. Call to worship
3. Hymn – Be thou my vision (CH4 465)
4. Prayer of Approach and Confession and the Lord’s Prayer… Lord’s Prayer
5. Children’s Talk Object Lesson on Goodness
6. Hymn – Psalm 23 (CH4 14 Crimond)
7. Reading – Matthew 7 v 15-23
8. Reflection
9. Hymn – All heaven declares (CH4 426)
10. Offering and Doxology (CH4 807)
11. Prayers for others and ourselves.
12. Hymn – At the name of Jesus (CH4 458)
13. Reminders
14. Benediction