Thought for the day 23 April

Hair. Most of us like to have our hair neat and tidy. For some a trip to get it cut is a necessary chore, for others having it ‘done’ is a social outing. At the moment, unless you have someone at home who is good with scissors or shaver, hair is just growing, and some may fear that they end up looking like a cross between middle-aged/elderly hippie and ‘the wild witch of the North’. Some may also fear that their secret will be out: they aren’t really blond or brunette, but have ‘a frosty pow’. So what? Yes it may be nice to look smart, but what matters is not what we see in the mirror, but the kind of person we are inside. There will one day be a trip to the hairdresser’s, but for now let’s focus on the kind of person we are. And let’s think about the hairdressers too, whose work has dried up at the moment.

Lord, help us to get our priorities right: who we are, how we treat and value other people, matters much more than what we look like. We pray too for hairdressers and barbers who currently don’t have paid employment.

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