Yesterday we noted the difficulty people here have with politicians, ‘experts’ etc voicing different opinions and ideas about how we should go forward, when and how we should ease the lockdown restrictions. But at least here the politicians, ‘experts’ etc all have a common view on the threat of Covid-19 to society, on the need to ensure that relaxation of restrictions does not lead to a second spike of infections, and prefer at this stage to debate strategies rather than hurl insults or blame. It is not like that everywhere in the world. In countries like America and Brazil it has become a political issue, with little common ground between the different parties. In parts of Africa and the Middle East groups like Al-Qaeda and Al-Shabab spread stories of the virus and advice like social distancing being Western interference in their culture. Let’s try to stop it becoming a ‘political’ issue here, and pray for people in divided places to seek ‘truth’.
Lord, we pray that we do not experience here the ideological/ political divisions over response to Covid-19 found in some countries. Help us to focus on seeking the truth and working together. We pray for countries where there are deep divisions among people that threaten finding an effective way of coping with and moving beyond the virus
Tomorrow is Ascension Day and we will have an online service for it