There has been much in the media over the weekend about exam results in England, Northern Ireland and Wales, and the anger, disappointment, confusion among pupils, families, schools/colleges, universities – and politicians – as they struggled to understand what had happened/ was happening, and what the future held for those directly affected. A fortnight ago Scotland was the focus for such feelings. It is interesting that in all of this there is a deep sense, on all sides, that pupils deserve a just and fair treatment, and that we should be striving to improve the life chances of those who start with disadvantages. From time to time we hear politicians talk about the ‘values’ underlying our national identity. It would appear from the widespread reaction to the exam results that most people perceive justice and fairness for all, and fair opportunities for all, as being important values for our communal life. Can they be applied to all areas of life – in the local community, at national level, and in international matters?
Lord, it was only a couple of weeks ago in Scotland that there was deep pain and anger about exam results. Now it is being felt in other parts of the Britain. We pray for all concerned, and that there will be a fair and just resolution for all. We pray too that the principles of justice and fairness will be applied to all aspects of our communal lives