Did you know that today is Earth Overshoot Day? No neither did I. It reflects the extent to which in a year we are using more of the earth’s resources than we put back. As we focus on all the implications of the global pandemic, and its fall-out in areas like education, health, housing and the economy, we tend to forget that there are other issues that were around before Covid and are still very much there – issues like the Climate Crisis. A few months ago we had hopes that the Covid crisis would lead to a greener future. With more of us currently taking to cars than public transport, more items coming wrapped in plastic, and countries like China firing up their coal-fired power stations, that hope seems a little faded. What can we personally do, what do we press governments to do?
Lord, for the beauty of the earth, for the beauty of the skies, we give thanks. Help us to appreciate them, and to work to preserve them for those affected by climate change now and for future generations

PS next week we are off to the Maritime Museum in Irvine