Last day of August, the eve of a month which we tend to regard as ‘Autumn’ – even if it can have warm sunny days. But getting a Christmas card catalogue at the weekend did seem a bit premature! I haven’t opened it yet, but am entertained by the thought of the opportunities the Coronavirus pandemic offers for ‘redesigning’ Christmas cards: Santa with a mask on, socially distanced reindeer, hand sanitiser for the Wise Men etc. Autumn and Winter are going to be different from previous years, if we heed the warnings that we have to be careful to avoid further spikes. Either that means looking forward with some trepidation, or it means starting to make plans for how we will get ourselves, our friends, our neighbours, through it
Lord, help us to remember that Autumn and Winter can be beautiful, that preparing for them can provide opportunities. Help us to make plans for ourselves and others to see us through the next few months supporting and helping each other, maybe doing new and creative things