5 October World Teachers Day
Over our years in school we probably encountered quite a number of teachers, teaching styles, and influences that they had on us. Some may have been scary, some really had no control over the class; some may have inspired us to learn or develop a skill or interest, some may have closed down any interest in the topic; some we remember with affection, some we didn’t like, and some we don’t really remember. They all played a part in making us who we are. Some people can speak of ‘inspirational’ teachers who helped them discover themselves and raise the horizon of their ambition. Being a teacher is not easy: coping in any one class with a great range of abilities, personalities and interests, all the ‘social work’ issues that teachers have to take on, and the ever-changing demands of government and the press/public (“They should be taught that in schools!”). Over the last 7 months they have had to cope quickly with continued face-to-face teaching for the children of ‘key workers’ and vulnerable children, develop online material for those at home, plan for blended learning, return to face-to-face physically distanced learning and combine ‘catch-up’ for missed learning/ mental health and other issues among pupils with the constant threat of having to self-isolate at short notice because someone in school has shown Covid-like symptoms. We express our appreciation and support for them all!
Lord, being a teacher is not easy. Many feel stressed and not appreciated. Help us to show our support and appreciation for them