Thought for the day 13 January


It has long been acknowledged that there is a link between exercise and physical and mental well-being (MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANA). During these lockdown times we desperately need both – but January weather is not conducive to taking exercise (if it isn’t cold and wet, it’s cold and slippy). Some may be tuning in to Joe Wicks, or one of his colleagues, on a regular basis. Others of us may feel that that type of exercise is a bit beyond us. If you have stairs and are fit enough to go up and down them without recourse to a stairlift, they can help us keep fit. In a modern house with 13 stairs the rise from ground to first floor is about 2.7m (if you have an older house with more stairs, each extra one adds about 20cms to the rise). So every time you walk upstairs you have climbed 2.7m. Let’s translate this into hill-walking terms, looking at climbing them once, twice, five times and ten times a day:



Starting on 1 January the date by which you climbed it





Dumbarton Rock

27 January

13 January

5 January

2 January

Ben Lomond

26 December

29 June

13 March

5 February

Conic Hill

25 February

28 January

11 January

5 January


23 November

12 June

6 March

1 February

Goat Fell

19 November

10 June

5 March

1 February

Arthur’s Seat

2 April

15 February

18 January

9 January


20 September

11 May

21 February

26 January

Ben Venue

27 September

15 May

23 February

27 January

Ben Nevis

13 May 2022

6 September

9 April

18 February


21 December 2029

26 June 2024

26 December 2022

21 November

Mount Sinai

26 April 2023

27 February 2022

18 June

25 March

Mount Kenya

10 April 2026

20 August 2023

20 January 2022

11 July


24 December 2026

27 December 2023

12 March 2022

6 August


19 April 2022

25 August

4 April

16 February

Before you get too excited by your prowess, remember that when climbing some of them you don’t start at sea level! (And you might want to check my arithmetic!)


Lord, given that the journey from Jericho to Jerusalem involves a climb something like Ben Lomond, Jesus, Mary and the disciples must have been pretty fit! Help them to inspire us by their example


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