‘Yes, but..’ Two words that seem to sum up quite a lot about life at the moment. The vaccination programme is rolling out, but questions keep being asked about the speed, who should be given priority, the flow of supplies, the effectiveness of current vaccines both in the longer-term and against new variants. With increased vaccination across the population, with more rapid flow tests, with the onset of better weather, can we look forward to/ plan for the re-opening of life (meeting others, children going back to school, venues opening, travel permitted, holidays)? We come to this year with our experience of last year – a series of hopes dashed. Quite a lot of people thought the whole ‘Covid-thing’ would be over by Easter, many more thought by the Autumn we would be back to normal. If we ask the question, ‘Will we get back to normal this Autumn?’ are we being realistic or pessimistic? If we ponder a summer holiday (some of us had to book them because of ‘vouchers’ for cancelled holidays last year), are we being optimistic or unrealistic? We may find that family or friends have a different perspective on the future from us – and it can be hard trying to accept that
Lord, living with uncertainty is hard. Help us to cope. Help us to cope with people who see things differently from us. If we get into discussion, help us to avoid argument, and try to explore the uncertainty together