Thought for the day 13 February


Figures issued by the Scottish Government suggest that all, or almost all, adult care home residents have been vaccinated, as have over 90% of care home staff. That is a tremendous achievement given all the challenges involved. The care sector had a very tough time last year – struggling to keep everyone safe, while not being able to access sufficient equipment, concerns about discharges from hospital, and coping with longer-term issues such as under-funding, staff shortages, low pay and care staff working for more than one care provider. It seems that some handled the situation better than others, and sadly many receiving care died prematurely because of Covid, despite their carers best endeavours to protect them. One of the steps taken to contain the spread was restricting or preventing families and friends meeting care home residents face-to-face. It may have been necessary for the good of the community of residents and staff, but it created considerable distress for families, particularly where their relative was suffering cognitive impairment/ dementia that was getting worse. Some lost a relative feeling that they couldn’t say ‘goodbye’ properly, others feel that they are now dealing with someone who has much less idea who they are. Hopefully things may improve after the vaccine roll-out, but let’s remember those who are receiving care at home or in a care home, their carers, their families and friends, those who manage care homes or care providers, and those who make public policy


Lord, we are grateful that when we reach a stage in life where we cannot fully look after ourselves, nor can we cope with some help from family, friends or neighbours, there is a public social care system to support us. We remember all who need that support, and their families and close friends. We remember too the carers, who so often manage a cheery smile when their work is challenging. Support them all. Also inspire and guide those running care homes and care providers, and those making public policy


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