1 March St David’s Day Marie Curie Daffodil Appeal starts
Today is St David’s Day, a focus for Welsh people everywhere to express their sense of identity and community. The emblem of Wales is the daffodil. It is also the emblem of the Marie Curie Cancer Charity, which provides care and support for those suffering from cancer, their families and carers. Today marks the beginning of their month long fund-raising campaign based around the daffodil emblem. Good wishes to everyone of Welsh heritage today, and thanks and good wishes to the staff and supporters of Marie Curie for the work you do. Our thoughts too with those who turn to them for help https://www.mariecurie.org.uk/
Lord, thank you for the staff and volunteers working for Marie Curie Cancer Care. The work they do is hard even in ‘normal’ times, but much harder during the pandemic-related restrictions. Bless them in all that they do. Be close too to those who draw upon their help – people with cancer, their families and carers