Palm Sunday
There is a hymn by John Bell that begins:
“Oh where are you going,
and can I come with you,”
Travelling through Holy Week we are joining Jesus on the journey that began with cheers and shouts of joy, went through a whole range of emotions including deepest grief, and ended with unimaginable joy and hope in the faithfulness and power of God. We cannot make exactly the same journey that Jesus did – no one can, he alone was called to suffer and die on that cross on Good Friday. But we can picture ourselves with the disciples (male and female) and the crowds, and wonder whether our response would have been/is any different.
Jesus calls us to follow him not just in Holy Week, but every day of every week, to be his witnesses, to share his love and Good News. It’s hard, really hard, but through his Spirit he helps and guides us – and he forgives us, again and again.
Lord, as we begin our journey through Holy Week, help us to look beyond what others did and said so long ago, and see how we respond to you and your call to us. Help us to remember the cost of your love for us, and the great hope that you offer us through the Risen Jesus
Ian Johnson
Church of Scotland Dumbarton Linkage