Thought for the day 13 May

13 Ascension

It is now 40 days since Easter. Taking literally the phrase that Jesus left his disciples to return to his father’s side, the church has designated the Thursday 40 days after Easter as Ascension Day. We celebrate Jesus’ return to glory, and the completion of his work on earth. We also acknowledge that the task of building a world of peace and justice, wholeness and fullness for all is not complete (look at the news headlines and it might seem more appropriate to say ‘is far from complete’). As the disciples were tasked with the role of continuing that work with the Spirit’s power and guidance, so the heirs of the apostles (each generation of the church) are similarly tasked. Whether it’s Climate Change, poverty, corruption or whatever, we need to work with like-minded people to achieve peace and justice, challenge those in authority, and try to live out what we say. That’s where we need God’s help through the Spirit. It all fits well with the spirit of Christian Aid Week


Lord, we praise and acknowledge your greatness and glory. You vindicated Jesus, and he completed his task on earth. With the Spirit’s power and guidance you want us to continue his work. Help us to focus on your objectives, and be inspired to serve faithfully and with full commitment in the work you have for us to do

PS Durness beach in Sutherland

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