Our services are back in Riverside for May, starting at 11:15am. All are welcome.
Order of Service for Sunday 05 May 2024
1. Welcome & Introit
2. Call to worship
In the embrace of faith, let love be our call.
Together, we’ll lift our praise of grace and compassion.
A symphony of souls, embracing God’s love in unison.
Let the spirit bind us as sisters and brothers, where love unites us all
For in our worship, and in our lives, we are called to love one another.
3. Hymn – All hail the power of Jesus Name (CH4 457 )
4. Prayer of Approach and Confession and the Lord’s Prayer…
Lord’s Prayer
5. Children’s Talk – Object Lesson on Strength Together
6. Hymn – The Lord’s My Shepherd (CH4 14)
7. Reading – Acts 1 v 12-14
8. Reflection
9. Hymn – Amazing Grace (CH4 555)
10. Offering and Doxology (CH4 807)
11. Prayers for others and ourselves.
12. Hymn – Love Divine, all love excelling (CH4 167)
13. Reminders
14. Benediction