Christian Aid Week
Reflect: In the Sabbath we find a radical alternative to the current economic thirst for more. It emphasises the need for restoration for people and the Earth, Rosalia understands the need to restore the land. She has planted 120 trees. ‘Now that we have a waterpoint nearby, even children can come and fetch water’, she says. ‘The grandchildren grow trees at home.’
Respond: Where are your nearest trees? Do you appreciate them for thie rootedness, shelter and habitat? WE often seek rest and relaxation in nature. As well as admiring the beauty of creation, how might our rest help restore the Earth?
God of the Sabbath, forgive us for ignoring the rhythms of nature for overextending the Earth and each other. Instil in us sustainable ways of resting and enjoying the goodness of creation, and protecting the Earth with all our sisters and brothers.