Prayer Diary: Week Beginning 25 October 2020

We pray for families.


This week we heard from Jason Leitch, the Scottish Government Public Health Adviser that we should prepare for a digital Christmas. When we consider the pressures that families across our nation have been under with many parents losing income and possibly facing the reality of losing employment; the fact that they may also now be losing the opportunity to spend Christmas with grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles may cause many to feel overwhelmed and to despair.


We pray for families separated by this pandemic. For grandparents missing holding and hugging their grandchildren – something we took for granted is now denied to so many. We pray that families will be creative in using open spaces and technology to meet up & to share in celebrations.


We pray too for parents to remain strong as they navigate this unexpected reality – help them to remain hopeful despite the difficulties they face.


Lord help us to be sensitive to the needs of those living in our community – Help us to smile more; to be patient; to go the extra mile; to be generous in our interactions. Help us to extend what it means to be family outwards – to include our neighbours. And may this pandemic become synonymous with building better connections with those around us rather than keeping us isolated and apart. Amen



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