Thought for the day 10 October

World Mental Health Day

Not so long ago mental health and mental health issues were not recognised. Issues like stress or depression were often dismissed as signs of weakness and shame (cf the approach during World War I to what we now recognise as PTSD). Now (in most cases) we see mental health as being as important as physical health, and recognise that there is often a connection between the two. Some people have to live with mental health conditions throughout their lives. Others can usually cope with the stresses and strains of everyday life, but at times the ‘coping mechanism’ buckles and breaks. The last few months have reminded us of factors that put stress and strain on people: worry about work/finance, loneliness and isolation, lack of mental stimulation, claustrophobia, etc. We probably all carry some kind of mental scars from the period since March, but some individuals, families, social groups carry deep wounds. Today is a day to recognise the importance of mental health, the work that professionals and volunteers do to help those with major issues, what we can all do to help our own mental health and that of family, friends, neighbours etc

Lord, thank you for professionals and volunteers who work with those struggling with mental health issues. Help us to do what we can to care for our own mental health, and to think what we can do to help others whether they are showing symptoms of not

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