16 December
Walking back from the West Kirk yesterday lunchtime I wished I’d had my camera with me – it was a high High Tide and the water from the Leven had flooded the Quay. Yesterday was dry, sunny and still (or it was at lunchtime), but what will it be like with today’s wind and rain? A number of people in Dumbarton have had experience of homes being flooded, and many more know about the A82 being blocked by flood-water, or the trains not being able to make it West beyond Dumbarton because of bad weather. The impact of heavy rain, flooding and rising sea levels has been felt by many millions around the world, and is likely to become an ever-greater risk as the effects of climate change are increasing felt. Maybe a timely reminder of the predicament of people affected by or at risk of flooding, and of the need to think beyond ‘Christmas’ and Covid to another major threat facing the world
Lord, thank you for rain and water, but sometimes there is too much of it, and homes and businesses are ruined, lives lost. Rising sea levels are also a danger for people and other living things. Help us to face up to the challenges of addressing climate change, and accept the ‘cost’ to our pocket and way of life
PS Glad Mary, Joseph and the Donkey didn’t have to paddle through the floods when they visited the Quay