Thought for the day 18 March

18           Global Recycling Day

In 2018 the UN Industrial Development Organisation and the Bureau for International Recycling got the UN to recognise 18 March as an official UN Global Recycling Day. We’ve seen the David Attenborough television pictures, we’ve walked along the shore, we’ve seen what goes into some people’s black bins, and what just gets ‘dumped’. Apart from all the waste that lies around or ends up in the sea etc, there are also concerns about how much more ‘raw material’ the earth can yield up. Over the last century we saw governments and large businesses building strategies around continued access to oil supplies and shipment. This century there may be a shift away from oil, but governments and companies are developing strategies for how they can continue to access certain minerals, even water supplies. Enhanced recycling could ensure a sustained supply of materials. We can do our little bit, but central and local government need to do a big bit. Do we share our concerns with them? Should we be doing that?


Lord, we have an amazing planet on which to live, but we are spoiling it at a tremendous rate. Help us all to recognise what we can do to care for it, and help us to encourage governments to put much more effort into caring for it, including promoting recycling

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