Thought for the day 16 April

I’ve heard various people remark on how fortunate we are that if Covid-19 had to strike the world (and we all wish it hadn’t!), it chose to come in 2020, not 2010, or 1990 or 1980. We now have the internet, the capacity for on-line shopping, internet banking, mobile phones, social media, video-conferencing, etc that enables us to cope much better with being in ‘lockdown’ than would have been the case 10 years ago, let alone 30 or 40. And of course medical science and technology are so much more advanced than they were then. It’s easy to see the ‘negatives’, but if we are going to get through this, then we have to focus on the ‘positives’

Lord, thank you for the new technology that enables us to keep in touch with people during the ‘lockdown’, and to order things like food when we can’t get to the shops. Help us to use the technology wisely. Help us to look for the ‘positives’ in life, not the negatives.

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