Exam results day. Always stressful, and more so this year, when there were no exams. It is always the hope that the results will do the young folk justice, and enable them to take their life-plans forward – whether to university, college, apprenticeship or job. Some will be pleased with their results, some will be disappointed. Some will see a clearer path ahead, some aren’t sure what will happen next. Whatever the results we wish them all – and their families/carers and teachers – well, and hope that wherever life leads them after this they feel fulfilled, valued and making a positive contribution to the world
Lord, we think of all who are getting exam results today. May they feel confidence in their own skill and ability. We pray particularly for those who are disappointed by their results and are not sure what to do next. We pray too for their parents/ carers and teachers, that they will be able to offer suitable support for the future