CCL 125049 Charity No SC002937
- Welcome
- Hymn 510 Jesus calls us here to meet him Tune Lewis folk melody (Church Hymnary 4th Edition)
- All age time
- Prayer
- Reading Matthew 5: 38-42 (Good News Bible)
- Guild Projects
- Hymn 544 When I needed a neighbour Tune Neighbour (Church Hymnary 4th Edition)
- Drama
- Prayer for others
- Hymn 533 Will you come and follow me Tune Kelvingrove (Church Hymnary 4th Edition)
- Blessing
Watch our live stream on youtube – service starts at 10:30am
Welcome and let us worship God
‘How long, Lord, will you hide yourself from sight? Remember how fleeting is our life!.’
Psalm 89: 46-47
Hymn 510 Jesus calls us here to meet him
All age time (for ages 0-100)
- Today’s Bible story
In today’s Bible story Jesus challenges his followers to go beyond what they ‘have’ to do, and put in extra effort to help people
- Something to do:
- If you are reasonably fit, walk a mile (or a kilometre if you prefer), and then walk another one. Time how long that took
- If you have a pedometer, calculate how many steps you would need to take to walk a mile, and then a second one
- If medically you are not up to walking one mile (let alone two) calculate how many inches there are in a mile (then try doubling it), or in two kilometres
- Something to think about
- Can you think of any examples of situations where someone ‘went the extra mile’ for you?
- Can you think of any examples where you think you ‘went the extra mile’?
- Did you feel ‘good’ after it, or that you’d been ‘taken advantage of’, or can human feelings and emotions sometimes conflict with what feels like ‘the right thing’?
Opening Prayer
You aren’t a God who reigns far away in glory
who looks down on us from a great height
You care about us so much
that you came to our world in Jesus
shared our experiences of life
shared suffering and death
showed us how we should live
taught us how to live
gave us new life –
richer, fuller, deeper, unending
But our love for you
our love for others
is so weak and poor
our commitment to following
in the way of Jesus
following his example and teaching
is so poor
Forgive us
Fill us anew with love for you
with love for others
Strengthen us to follow
his example and teaching
Through Christ our Lord we pray. Amen
Bible reading
Matthew 5: 38-42
“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’ But now I tell you: do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, let them slap your left cheek too. And if someone takes you to court to sue you for your shirt, let them have your coat as well. And if one of the occupation troops forces you to carry his pack one kilometre, carry it two kilometres. When someone asks you for something, give it to them; when someone wants to borrow something, lend it to them.
Guild Projects
- Faith in young people – Boys’ Brigade Scotland
The BB feels greatly blessed by its partnership with the Guild and takes the opportunity to thank the Guild for their fellowship and support, and to pray for the health and wellbeing of all Guild members in these difficult times.
– Leader Development
The partnership allows the BB to work more closely with, and support, its volunteer leaders. Early in the year there were two leaders’ roadshows, with great attendances and positive feedback, in Aberdeen and East Kilbride. Training includes areas like mental health and young people. A separate event was held in Stirling for younger leaders.
– Mini Grants Scheme
The Mini Grants Scheme continues to flourish: in the second round grants were awarded to a further 12 BB Companies, totalling over £11,000. They will be used for a variety of purposes, including supporting the purchase of new equipment.
Due to the Coronavirus with all face-to-face BB activities and events suspended, an alternative online programme called #BBatHome was launched.. The exciting new resources and activities are open to all children and young people, not just those who are already involved in the BB.
- Seema’s Project – Free to Live Trust
The Guild has never avoided more challenging situations. Seema’s project is based in the re-light district of Pune in India, working with street children, prostitutes and their children. Even before Coronavirus many were in poor health, with sexually transmitted diseases and HIV. They have little or no access to decent health care. AS they delicately phrase it, social distancing is an impossibility when your life is controlled by a madam!
To quote one ‘Good News’ story, a 17 year old girl called Laxmi was rescued from one of the brothels and is doing well at college.
With the Guild money they have been developing their feeding programme, supporting girls escaping prostitution and developing training opportunities for their teenagers
Hymn 544 When I needed a neighbour
Drama: Going the extra mile
(woman sitting down, reading the paper with a mug of tea in front of her)
Funny phrase that, ‘go the extra mile’. I can barely go one mile, let alone two.
(phone rings. She puts paper down and picks up phone)
Who’s that? (makes a face when she sees the number) Oh, Effie! (puts on a smile and answers)
Hello Effie. How nice to hear from you. How are you doing? (pause)
Oh no, not again. It’s a wee while since your last attack isn’t it? A whole week! Well that’s dreadful. (pause) Yes, of course I’ll go and collect your prescription. Oh, you use the chemist in Alexandria. No, that’s no problem. Just as a matter of interest why do you use that one: you fell out with the woman on the High Street’s mother, Jessie uses Greenhead Road and you don’t want to bump into her, you don’t like the lino in Bellsmyre, and anyway there’s a nice chip shop in Alexandria. Are you allowed fish and chips? No I didn’t think so. Was it really as long ago as that you had to stop. Were they still rationed in those days? Sorry, just joking
No, of course I don’t mind popping in to the Garden Centre to get a plant for Daisy. Is it her birthday? No you’re apologising for calling her something not very nice. Yes, I’ll take it to her. Where is it she stays? Garelochead. When did she move there? Last week, and that’s why you called her something not very nice.
Well you take care. No I’ll pay and we can square up later. Bye!
Now where was I?
(picks up paper as phone rings again)
Who is it this time? Oh hello Jasmine, how are you? Oh you’re socially isolated? You haven’t caught…? No but Trixiebelle came home from Nursery with a cough, so she’s to be tested and you’ve all to isolate till then. Have you managed to book a test OK, I’ve heard of people being offered Carlisle, Inverness and Aberdeenshire? You got one in Dumbarton – but not till Tuesday.
Yes, of course I’ll cover for you on Sunday, open and lock up, do the reading and count the offering. How are you fixed for food? No problem popping in to the butchers, just tell me what you want. No, no problem either with the supermarket, as long as you don’t want four packs of toilet rolls. Send me your list. Ah, but there’s stuff to collect at the drycleaners and the cobblers. New lights for the Christmas tree? Is it not a bit early? Lulu wants to be the first tree up in the street. I’ll see if they do pink and purple lights, but I haven’t seen any up till now.
Ok, I’d better go and get started. Bye for now. (noise like the bark of a large dog) Yes, and bye to you Wallace and Bruce – you are two smart gerbils.
(flops back in seat) I bet that tea’s gone cold, and I’d better get my coat and shoes on – I think this trip is going more than the extra mile
Prayers for others
Heavenly Father
We pray for your blessing on the Guild
Show them the road they should take
so that your message comes alive for others
enable them, and all of us, to go the extra mile
We give thanks for those who have gone before
for the heritage of Guild
for the years of faithful service
We pray too for the projects that they are supporting this year:
Faith in Young People and
Seema’s Project
Bless them in this most difficult year for fund-raising
Bless them in the work they do
We pray for all who are ill,
those who look after them
and those who worry about them
those waiting for or receiving treatment
and those for whom there is no treatment
those who are lonely, feeling down, or grieving a friend or loved one
those who are worried about home, work or money
a friend or a relative
those who are living with the after-effects of natural disasters
those who do not have enough to eat, or somewhere to call home
those who long to live in peace and safety
those who have fled from their homes seeking safety
We pray for the Queen, the Government
all in positions of leadership in this and every land
We bring to you our prayers for people and situations of special concern to us
And we sum up our prayers in the words of the prayer Jesus gave us
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen
Hymn 533 Will You Come And Follow Me
God the Father sends you out
Knowing whose you are and whom you serve
to be his witnesses wherever you go
to work to bring healing and wholeness in all you do
and the blessing of God Almighty
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
rest and remain with you,
today, and every day, and for ever. Amen
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