It was a very pleasant surprise yesterday to hear that travel restrictions in Scotland will be lifted on Friday. For some people it means being able to see family and friends that they haven’t seen for months; for others, who feel a sense of claustrophobia from ‘living local’, it means being able to go and see other bits of the country. Let’s hope that people continue to observe rules on face coverings and physical distancing, and remember either to put rubbish in the bin, or take it home to be disposed of properly
Lord, thank you for the prospect of soon being able to travel around Scotland, to see family or friends, or visit some of our amazing scenery. Help us to be careful about not passing on the virus, and to treat the countryside and seashore with respect
Today’s photo is the monument at the head of Loch Shiel where Bonnie Prince Charlie raised his standard on 19 August 1745 (Also attached is a photo of the railway viaduct for the Harry Potter fans)