The sun is shining, and the temperature is forecast to be higher than parts of South East England today (though maybe not at sun-bathing levels!) Good weather raises our mood, while cold and dampness tends to pull us down. There’s probably a good medical explanation (chemical or psychological), but why do we let the weather dictate our feelings? If we are feeling good today, let’s take time to reflect on the good things we have – and be ready to do the same even on cold wet days. If we’re feeling down, maybe still try to think what the positives in life are. And those who are feeling good – maybe we could keep an eye out for those feeling down, and try to get alongside them and let them know they aren’t forgotten or on their own
Lord, thank you for the sunshine and a Spring day that shows off the beauty of the world around us. Help us to see and appreciate the good things we have, and also be aware of people around us going through a tough time, and try to offer them our friendship and support
Rather grainy photo of the old farmhouse at Culloden